Declare the threat for salmon or trout conservation.
Vilija catchment area? Salmon and sea trout area?
Latitude Longitude
Coordinate system: WGS 1984
* Explain please, where is the threat and how to reach the place
* When the threat was revealed
* Probable period of origin of the threat (your opinion)
* Type of threat (подробнее про водоохранную зону и прибрежную полосу) - Select type of threat - Beaver dam Dams construction Poaching catch of all fish species Poaching catch of salmon, sea trout, brook trout Pollution of rivers Temperature of water in the river in October-December is < +6 C° Temperature of water in the river in summer is < + 20 C° Abrupt fluctuations of water levels in the river Deforestations of banks Flooding or high level water in the river Ploughing of farming lands in < 10 m from water Shallowing of the river Use of fertilizer agents in < 10 m from water Waste on the banks Application of mineral fertilize agents by means of plane Arrangement of summer camp for farming animals Burial grounds Burial grounds for animal refuse Fields irrigated by waste waters Places of storage of oil products Stationning of animal farms Stationning of waste water storages Storage of chemicals, fertilize agents Use of chemicals for vegetables protection Washing of vehicles Arrangement of boat moorings Fencing of parcels in < 5 m from water Gardening associations and summer houses settlements Parking of vehicles in < 30 m from water Pasture of farming animals Removal of plants and verdures Stationning of sewage treatment installations Technical service of vehicles Другой
* Substance of the threat ?
* What effects could evoke the threat in future?
Could you explain the threat when meeting with professionals on the place?
Other witnesses?
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