Вольга Лукшыц
How often do you visit IBAs?
Rare visit
Why are you interested in becoming an IBA caretaker?
Каб захоўваць нашу прыроду і плённа працаваць
How can you participate in IBA saving?
Strengthen the engagement of local habitants and visitors , Birds monitoring, Control of inhabitancies of rare animal species , Control of threats, Participation in conservation events
What your capacities do you think useful and interesting for IBA saving?
Фота, турызм, аванцюрызм
Salmon caretaker:
Водосбор реки Вилия
How often do you visit the territory?
Rare visit
Why are you interested in becoming a salmon caretaker?
Скарыстаць асабісты досвед. Лічу асабісты ўдзел неабходым перш за ўсё, для пашырэння руху захавальнікаў :)
How can you participate in salmon conservation?
Strengthen the engagement of local habitants and visitors , Birds monitoring, Control of inhabitancies of rare animal species , Control of threats, Participation in conservation events, Strengthen the engagement of local habitants and visitors , Participation in monitoring of salmons, Control of habitats of salmons, Control of threats, Participation in conservation events, Patrolling rivers in the time of spawning
What your capacities do you think useful and interesting for salmon conservation?
Турызм, фота, максімалізм, біялагічная адукацыя :)
Date of registration:
Caretaker prefers to hide his contact data
How did you learn about caretakers?