Аляксандр Пекач
How often do you visit IBAs?
Live there
Why are you interested in becoming an IBA caretaker?
Я хочу чтобы мои дети могли наблюдать красоту дикой природы нашего региона, а не смотрели на вырубки и слушали звуки выстрелов в заповедной части пущи
How can you participate in IBA saving?
Birds monitoring, Control of inhabitancies of rare animal species , Control of threats, Participation in conservation events
What your capacities do you think useful and interesting for IBA saving?
Природоохранных фотография
Date of registration:
Caretaker prefers to hide his contact data
ГПУ НП"Беловежская пуща"
How did you learn about caretakers?
Через друга